By now you would know which (if not all) of your resolutions you have already “failed” at for 2022.
It’s not a failure though, it never is – it’s a setback.
I think the first error in judgement people make when setting New Year’s Resolutions, is waiting for a whole year or “NEW” year before setting any major goals.
The second error is in writing resolutions as wishes, or nice to haves rather than must haves.
Benjamin Franklin puts it well, as he writes ‘resolve to perform what you ought'
A resolution is something that you have decided you ought to do – something you would be better off by doing or better off by doing without, or be a better person with, or a happier person by doing, or a more achieved person from attaining.
Write your goals in line with what you would like to DO in 2022
Write your goals in line with who you would like to BE in 2022.
And write your goals in line with what you would like to HAVE in 2022.
A behaviour reflects a belief – if you behave in a way that is against your belief system then you are contradicting what you purport to believe in.
Your beliefs should serve you, support you, nurture you and sustain you. It's why they are called a belief system.
If they don’t, then you should think seriously about what it is you believe in.
My suggestion is to write your goals or resolutions as more of a To Do list.
Look at the important areas in your life. Mental, Physical, Spiritual, Social, Financial and Family and write a top 10 list of what you should DO in each of these areas, Who you want to BE, in each of these areas and what you want to HAVE in each of these areas.
3 examples for Physical resolutions would be:
1. I will DO 5 x 45 minute workouts a week
2. I will BE 5 kilograms lighter by March 31st 2022
3. I will HAVE a strong enough core to be able to plank for 1 minute every hour of my 8 hour work day.
Not I want, or I’ll try, or I might – there is no such word as wantpower, or trypower, or mightpower, it’s WILLPOWER.
Where there is a WILL there is a WAY (or a relative if you hang your hopes on being a beneficiary of someone else’s hard work)
I recently climbed or walked rather, to the top of Mount Kosciuszko.
Within my list of Physical goals I had written that I will walk outdoors more often, so when the opportunity presented itself to walk the mountain with a group of around 50 men, with whom I would then workshop, in mind and body mastery, it ticked a few of my resolution boxes in one outing.
Mentally I learned meditation skills, Wim Hof breathing methods and sustainable practices for organic food production.
Physically, I awoke to the sound of birds I’d never heard before and exercised with kettlebells and a group of men outdoors before jumping into ice cold streams.
Spiritually, when you are standing at the highest point of Australia after 6 hours of vigorous head down walking, I had a born again, out of body experience.
Socially I met more than 40 men I had never met before and connected deeply with them over 5 alcohol free days.
Financially, I was an invited speaker so I only put my hand in my pocket for warmth and the odd tip to kind waiting staff at various restaurants.
These men were all a part of a group whose sole purpose is to be better fathers to their children and my involvement in helping them design their perfect day and hone their listening skills whilst discovering their purpose as fathers was a much more rewarding experience than that of reaching a new peak.
As I sat in a ski chair lift on the descent (no-one ever brags about climbing down a mountain) with a new best friend either side of me, I commented that I have noticed for many years now, that the wheels of business start to slow down A LOT in Australia from Melbourne Cup Day (the first Tuesday in November) and don’t start to speed up again until after Australia Day (January 26th)
So don’t feel so bad if you haven’t kicked any major goals yet this year or climbed any mountains. The country is just waking up from its festive slumber and tomorrow is the first day of the rest of your life.
I’m doing FebFast as another goal. I just finished Jan Ban (alcohol) next month will be March Fast (from alcohol) and over the years, I have found that if you start off with 50 New Year's Resolutions and only keep half, then it’s 25 more than making one and not keeping it..
Resolve Well.
It’s not the mountain that we conquer, but ourselves – Sir Edmund Hillary
All Rights Reserved | David Lee