When I was a young child, every Sunday night I would look forward to watching the “Wonderful world of Disney” on TV, with my siblings, after which I would go to bed and with the end of the weekend signified would dream of the week ahead.
The theme song to the Wonderful World of Disney was “When you wish upon a star” The first verse lyrics are :
When you wish upon a star
Makes no difference who you are
Anything your heart desires
Will come to you…
Some Astronomers estimate that in our Sun’s galaxy; The Milky Way, there are about 100 billion stars…
I’m more of a wordsmith than a mathematician, so I asked my brother Anthony, the Accountant - could he do the sums here and for our global population of 7. 8 billion people, that’s around 14 wishes per person…
I like to pray each day; prayers which involve asking and prayers which involve thanking, prayers for looking after my loved ones and prayers for the ones I’ve lost along the way – or the ones who are losing their way…
Many years ago, I was questioning the power of prayer and asked the question;
“God, I’ve been praying for ...... ...... for the past 2 years now, what’s going on?”
The answer I got back was “Are you praying, or are you wishing?”
“Huh?” was my respectful reply …
The next thought that popped into my mind (which I equate to a universal omnipotent answer) was “What are you doing about it?”
That day I made a few phone calls, dusted off my journal and wrote a plan for my “unanswered” prayer.
Within 2 weeks, God mysteriously granted me my wish…
"God helps those who help themselves"
was another childhood inspiration that I had somehow forgotten.
Prayer; whether you believe in a higher being or not, is a verbal articulation of your desires, wishes, goals, or intentions –
In my line of work, I encourage people to have mantras or affirmations that they write and read – ideally out loud – as a source of comfort and dependence for what they want in life. These affirmations come after they have set their DREAM
life goals and must involve the word I.
I am….. I will…. I have…. I drive…. I live….
Walt Disney used to go through a thought sequence when creating his Dreams for Disneyland, which I’m led to believe is still followed today; the process was - The Dreamer, The Realist & The Spoiler
The Dreamer
- This stage was for fantasizing. Creating the most fantastic and absurd ideas possible.
How about we come up with a story about a boy – we’ll call him Andy, who has a bunch of talking toys? Brilliant!
The Realist
- As the Realist, the Dreamer ideas would be re-examined and re-worked into something more practical. It wasn’t about why it could not be achieved, but only about how it could be achieved. Well let’s get Pixar to produce it, Carol!!!
The Spoiler
- In the third stage, he would become the critic… shooting holes in the ideas he had come up with.
The ideas that survived this process were the ones Disney would work on. This is going to bankrupt us! Let’s Buy Pixar!!!
I've liked the idea of working with this philosophy in setting your intentions in order to start living the Dream - and as a beneficial variation on the idea, I suggest you have a Dream space where you manifest your goals - I write mine by the water, in my favourite national park. I suggest you have a Reality space where your consider them and then consider the achievability of your goals; mine is my home office. And understand that the Spolier space is everywhere, everyday, every time and everyway. Keep the spaces to their roles - Don't Spoil your Dream space.
The process I follow and recommend for goals setting is around the word DREAM
using DREAM
as a template of sorts.
Desire – What is it that you truly want in life, from a mental, physical, spiritual, social, financial and family perspective?
Realistic – If it’s a six pack in 6 weeks, is that realistic? Is the change required possible?
Effective – What is the most Effective way of going about it? If so, then how? Cut out alcohol completely!
Achievable – Could you Achieve the goal of cutting out alcohol completely for 6 weeks (we are 6 weeks out from shirts off season) Do you really desire a 6 pack?
Make it happen – Nike spent over 300 million dollars launching their slogan “Just Do It” over 23 years ago and it would have to be the most successful slogan of all time – especially for Nike..
Or your M
could be MOVE FAST and break things! Mark Zuckerberg's famous mantra for getting things done.
Inertia makes us The Spoiler
of our own Dreams.
I’m a big believer in planning and in
my last Blog
I list planning as the first component in setting out to discover your life’s PURPOSE.
Toolbox fallacy syndrome
prevents people from making their dreams come true because they don’t take action. Life rewards action.
The Toolbox Fallacy is the belief that you would be doing something if only this or that was in place, even though you haven’t done it in a very long time. I can’t do X until I have Y. Once I have the (gym membership, tablet, camera, laptop, time), then I’ll be able to (workout, paint more, work on my photography, write, be happy.)
Life rewards action!
I have an interstate friend who each time I would visit, would love to show me his vision board – A whiteboard in his office, with VISION BOARD, written in big capital letters across the top of it and terrific ideas and dreams written all over it.
Each time I visited; however, I was noticing that this vision board was just that. He wasn’t doing anything other than writing things on this vision board and he was running out of room!
I asked if I could borrow his whiteboard marker and he got a bit panicky but trusted me enough to hand it over. I simply crossed out the word VISION and replaced it with the word ACTION.
He has since gone on to live a fabulous life which involves having set up offices in 3 countries around the world plus 3 beautiful children 😊
I have had high performing Execs, when they've decided to go after their DREAM, tell me that they think they might be having panic attacks.
I asked my daughter Annabelle; in her final year as an undergrad psych student, how anyone would know whether they were having a panic attack or not. And she said, “Well you never realise it is a panic attack, until you don’t die”
And you won’t
die if you go after your dreams – but you will
die with enormous regret if you don’t...
“Life is short, break the rules, forgive quickly, kiss slowly, love truly, laugh uncontrollably, and never regret anything that made you smile. Twenty years from now you will be more disappointed by the things you didn’t do than by the ones you did. So, throw off the bowlines. Sail away from the safe harbour. Catch the trade winds in your sails. Explore. DREAM. Discover.”
Mark Twain
DREAM well