At the end of a long and productive day yesterday, I wondered what to do with myself to wind down rather than read, as I was mentally fatigued.
Would I spend 20 minutes or so flicking through viewing options on TV before going to bed, having done nothing but flick through options of what I did not decide to watch on TV?
I then looked at social media and was reminded of the Blood Moon!
I remembered earlier that day, overhearing a woman telling her young children about making 3 wishes to the full moon tonight.
So, I rugged up against the cold and the wind, poured myself a whisky and sat outside gazing up at the moon. Not a lot was happening, so I started Googling for facts about a Blood moon and was amazed at how many suggestions there were for rituals around setting intentions during this rare phenomenon.
So, I went back inside, grabbed a few palm cards, and wrote out 3 intentions, returning my gaze to the moon, which was now getting into the swing of turning red…
The websites that were recommending the rituals around intention setting were all a bit esoteric and I was being bombarded with ads for tarot card readings and clairvoyants.
Further gazing and reflection, led me to the epiphany that an intention is not a wish. It is as much of a gaze to the future as goal setting is.
Maybe it was the whisky, but further thought had me questioning the seriousness with which people approach the goals that they set. Nobody writes a goal of ‘winning the lottery' but I am convinced a lot of people write their goals with the same feelings of curious luck, that a lottery win might bring.
Intention is, something that is planned or meant – a goal is, something one aims for.
Coincidentally; 60 years ago, on May 25, 1961, President John F. Kennedy gave a speech, stating America’s intention of a moon landing.
'First, I believe that this nation should commit itself to achieving the goal, before this decade is out, of landing a man on the moon and returning him safely to the earth.'
In a later speech JFK said.
" We choose to go to the moon. We choose to go to the moon in this decade and do the other things, not because they are easy, but because they are hard, because that goal will serve to organize and measure the best of our energies and skills, because that challenge is one that we are willing to accept, one we are unwilling to postpone, and one which we intend to win, and the others, too.”
He never got to see this goal achieved but as we know, it was on July 20, 1969.
The hardest part of getting a spacecraft to the moon is in the launch phase... Once the spacecraft is through most of the earth’s atmosphere, the rest of the job is ‘relatively’ easy. It's the same with starting on your goals or launching a company or product.
I now suggest that we think of our intentions and goals more as imperatives or requirements rather than the ‘wishes’ they may remain for many to be.
The road to hell as they say, is paved with good intentions – well done is better than well said…
My Priestly brother recently said to me “The 10 commandments, aren’t called the 10 suggestions…”
The Ten commandments have been adhered to by many for centuries and have those who break them, fearing for their eternal souls. If they were suggestions, I imagine there would be a bit of flexibility towards their adherence.
And so, sticking with this theme, here is my 10 suggestions
(in no particular order) for commanding
yourself to goal
or intention
1. Consider the consequences of you not achieving the goal you have set for yourself.
2. Ask yourself “Why do I want this?”
3. Think of who you will need in your corner, or on your team, to achieve the intention and tell them or ask for help.
4. What difference will the attainment of this goal make to your legacy?
5. Identify what is the first step you need to take AND TAKE IT!
6. What habits will you need to change, to achieve what it is you want?
7. Plan what you will do, upon the achievement of your goal. I am a massive goal achievement celebrator…
8. Write your goals down and read them daily until they are part of your character and imminent destiny. They cannot be wishes, on paper.
9. Think about who you will become in the pursuit of your goal.
10. Consider what you will have to DO, who will you have to BE, to Have what you want to have... Do Behave…
Helen Keller said, “There is no king who has not had a slave among his ancestors, and no slave who has not had a king among his.”
As a young boy, my mother once said to me “it is no one’s fault to be born into poverty, but it is a fault, not to try to get out of it”.
We start off a New Year with New Year’s Resolutions. We finish a week, promising that next week we will do more or better and this, that or the other. We start the day with the will and somehow lose the way.
I would never frown on any opportunity people take for goal or intention setting, as I believe that every moment that passes is another opportunity for you to turn everything around.
So, use the moon phase to set your intentions if you like and commit yourself to their achievement.
In my moon gazing and lunarticking off to do lists, I texted both my daughters with the suggestion they look at the Blood Moon and set 3 goals…
My eldest daughter texted back ‘why only 3?’
My youngest daughter sent me a photo of her watching from the beach 😊.
It was in that moment that I remembered pushing them both on the swing as youngsters and to make sure it was a fair time for both, as we only had one swing, I would sing to each of them “I’m being followed by a moonshadow” by Cat Stevens, as it was a song they loved and the only song I knew all the words to at the time.
It was then, that I was over the moon – so I went to bed.
Be well.
The faults of a superior person are like the sun and moon. They have their faults, and everyone sees them; they change, and everyone looks up to them.