I recently drove to the town in which my brother lives, to watch a live sporting event at his local sports club.
I have been to his hometown many times, but I had never visited his local sports club before. As I jumped in my car, I entered the name of his hometown into my GPS and headed out.
I had promised him I would meet him at 7pm and priding myself on punctuality (on time is late in my books)
it started to play on my mind, that whilst the GPS had the name of his town as my destination and the arrival time as 6.55pm, I had no idea where his local sports club was.
I often treat myself like one of my clients and will quite often say to myself “what advice would you give to a client right now DL?”
So, I took my own advice for a directionless journey…
When a client tells me, they have no direction in life and they feel they are in a rut, I explain the original definition.
– the original definition of a “RUT” is the long deep tracks made by the repeated passage of the wheels of vehicles.
On country roads these are the unsealed gutters which once stuck in, can take you to where you absolutely don’t want to go…
I soon pulled over to the side of the road and entered the specific address into the GPS and realized I would arrive 5 minutes late. He lives in a big town.
It got me to thinking that without a specific and definite plan for where we are going, I mean a specific and definite plan for your dream life, then your dream life can, in some cases, turn out to be a nightmare.
The SMART formula for goal setting, which I have followed and recommended for years, uses the word SMART as an acronym for remembering the processes required in goal setting and commences with the word SPECIFIC. Then Measurable, Achievable, Realistic & Timed.
Specificity requires you to really consider what your Dream life would look like.
These days, I prefer to propose the word DREAM as an acronym for goal setting to really pinpoint where it is that you would like your dream life to be headed.
From a specific viewpoint, the D
stands for Desire.
What is it that you REALLY Desire
in life?
sticks with the Realistic
Is what you really Desire, realistic?
The E
is for Effectiveness
What is the most Effective way of getting your Dream to come true and what are the steps involved, most importantly what is the first step?
The A
is for Achievability
When would you like to have Achieved your Goal by? What is the actual End date?
And the M
is for Make it happen!
Most everything you truly Desire in life requires YOU
to Make it happen.
This Dream, or Goal, or Vision, without execution, is just a daydream, as Bill Gates says.
Make It Happen.
With our Dream life in mind, we need to adopt an attitude of inevitability. If day by day, you do one thing beneficial towards your dream life, it is inevitable that you will live the dream life you have designed.
I was asked by a child recently “what is a yearn-all?”
I thought he may have overheard me coaching his mother on the benefits of keeping a daily journal. I laughed and thought it is funny that not only is a journal the best place to record your thoughts and dreams, but it could be aptly named a “yearn-all” rhyming with journal to plan all the things you yearn for – your DREAM life.
As it turned out, what he really meant to ask, was ; what a urinal was, which in reality, without action – a “yearn-all” could become just that... a place where you record all the things you yearn for that without action, you are just flushing your dreams down the toilet…
Be well.
If you plan on being anything less than you are capable of being, you will probably be unhappy all the days of your life.
Abraham Maslow