Dreaming is wonderful, goal setting is crucial, but action is supreme. To make something great happen you must get busy and make it happen. Take that action step today that will put you on your path to achievement. Greg Werner.
If you are looking to achieve long term results in your Health and Fitness, the best way forward is to approach the process with certainty of purpose.
Certainty comes about once you have determined exactly what your goals are and a formula for achieving them.
I sat with a client last week to discuss what he wanted to achieve as a result of our time together. He wished (his words, not mine) to lose 14 kilos by November.
We then looked at how much time he had to commit to an exercise program as well as his eating habits. We discussed the sacrifices he was prepared to make and whether or not his goal was realistic.
We soon worked out that he would need to commit to much more time than he had available and severely restrict his food intake, to unrealistic levels, were his goals to be achievable.
We talked about a SMART plan for goal setting, that you can consider, while deciding upon some objectives for yourself.
The mnemonic SMART is a handy one to remember for setting goals for any area of our lives.
Mnemonics have been used for years to enable us to remember things, such as the order of the planets for example. My Very Excellent Mother Just Sent Us Nine Pizzas. Or Nothing, in the case Pluto has been downgraded.
The SMART goals setting system, works towards goal being Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Realistic and Timed.
A Specific goal would be to lose 5 kilos over the next 10 weeks. Is it Measurable? Yes, especially if you have weighing scales. Is it Achievable? Absolutely. Safe weight loss that is sustainable is ideal at a kilo per week. Is it Realistic? Definitely. When I say safe weight loss; one of my friends lost 5 kilos in the 4 hours it took him to run a Marathon. He had been training for it, but for the average character out there, that would cause some trauma, if indeed we finished the 42kms. Is the goal Timed? Yes; 10 weeks.
So in writing out your Health and Fitness Goals, follow the SMART formula.
An added bonus of the SMART formula is that you can’t hide your goals in your head. You are 4 times more likely to achieve any goal if it is written down. Trying to remember a goal, attached to a mnemonic is a goal in itself...
Another thought on goal setting, is that goals must be your own. You need the internal desire for the successful outcome of your goal to be driven to its fruition.
70% of any Wellness campaign will be diet related. This means that regardless of the motivational ability of your Personal Trainer, or how funny they are, what you do when they are not around will be completely driven by you.
Back to the drawing board, so to speak, and it makes surprisingly good sense, to write down your daily nutrient requirements, the food groups they will be derived from and your intended cardio and resistance in minutes, Oh, and how many mls of water as well. The ideal here is 30mls for every kilo of body weight.
That’s 3 litres if you’re 100 kegs...
Be well.